When Should You Hire a Bookkeeper?

If you are a small business owner, then the chances are that you believe in performing most of your business functions on your own, and this includes bookkeeping also.

But hiring a professional and qualified accountants and bookkeeper will bring you one step closer to success in business.

Who is a bookkeeper?

A bookkeeper helps you manage your business’s financial, administrative tasks by maintaining a record of your day-to-day financial transactions and maintaining an organised accounting ledger.

Hiring a bookkeeper will help you save your money and time in the long run and use the bookkeeper’s expertise and knowledge to your benefit.

Signs that you need to hire a bookkeeper for your business:-

You may believe that hiring an expert for bookkeeping is an unnecessary expense that you can prevent by performing the functions of a bookkeeper yourself.

In this Article Experlu sharing 6 signs, if you notice any of these 6 signs, then it is high time for you to hire a bookkeeper for your business:

  1. Your books are not up to date

Your accounting ledger discloses the actual state of your finances.

But when you are busy handling the other aspects of your business, you may fall behind on bookkeeping.

Poor bookkeeping practices only create problems in the long term.

Since you are not a bookkeeping expert, you are also prone to make bookkeeping mistakes which may be detrimental to the growth of your business.

Timely bookkeeping by an expert helps you assess your monthly financial statements to understand the cash flow of your business.

Bookkeepers can do your business bookkeeping at competitive prices.

  1. You are spending a lot of time on your books

Worrying about organising your books can leave you with less time to focus on the core activities of your business.

The minute you start to feel that you are spending several hours in bookkeeping, it may be time to consider hiring a bookkeeper.

A good bookkeeper not only saves your time but also pays attention to the little details that you might miss because of your lack of expertise.

  1. You are falling behind on your invoices

Delayed or forgotten payments can cause a dent in your cash flow.

Hiring a bookkeeper can be an incredible asset for your business because it allows you to keep track of who is paying on time and who is not.

A bookkeeper sends out invoices and collects payment which helps in revenue generation.

  1. Your cash flow is unforeseeable

Having unpredictable cash flow means that you are not aware of how much money you owe to suppliers and how much money the other people owe to you.

A skilled bookkeeper prepares the list of unpaid bills and overdue invoices for your business to stay updated on your business’s cash flow position.

  1. You want to expand your business

Growth in business means an increase in paperwork and number crunching.

Bookkeepers use their skills and expertise to handle the heavy workload while maintaining the accuracy and compliance of your books.

These accurate financial statements generated by the bookkeeper will help you make informed decisions for the growth and expansion of your business.

  1. You have observed an increase in the revenue without any increase in the profits of your business

If your profit margin is weak as compared to the revenue generated by your business, then it indicates that you need to focus on recognising the areas where you can cut your cost.

Cutting your cost and resisting the urge to overspend your money can help to make your business more profitable.

Immaculate bookkeeping helps you understand where you are incurring unnecessary expenses and formulate strategies to overcome this problem.


A professional and qualified bookkeeper can help you with the financial aspects of your business by:

  • Providing up up-to-date accounting records
  • Preparing your Vat returns
  • Helping you maintain your cash flow and tackle any cash flow issues that may arise
  • Maintaining accurate financial records
  • Minimising the risk of missed or delayed payments
  • Reducing the risk of errors in the records

By performing these functions, a bookkeeper allows you to elude the tedious aspects of the business and stay focused on the core business needs like funding, strategy, marketing, and whatnot.