A safety deposit box is one of the most convenient storage options available for valuables that need extra protection. In fact, safety deposit boxes can be used for a variety of purposes.
However, it is important to note that some items cannot always be stored in a safety deposit box.
Firearms and Safety Deposit Boxes
Limited storage options are available for firearms. However, because of the danger associated with these items, as well as their expense, proper storage is essential.
When looking for a way to store firearms, many firearm owners consider a safety deposit box. These boxes are small, secure and affordable, making them an ideal choice.
Storing firearms in a safety deposit box is not illegal. Unfortunately, not every bank will allow these items to be stored.
Most banks have a list of things that cannot be placed inside a safety deposit box. Common prohibited items aside from firearms include cash, liquor and drugs.
Storing a Firearm
To determine whether you are permitted to store a firearm in your safety deposit box, simply check with your bank.
If the bank allows you to store firearms, keep in mind that they will need to be unloaded during storage. Very few banks will allow you to store ammunition.