3 Ways Print Marketing Earns Repeat Business

According to research, 20% of customers generate 80% of future profits. By increasing customer retention by 5%, you can increase profits by 25% to 95%. Businesses are always looking for new ways to get their customers to come back.

In that pursuit, they neglect to consider more traditional methods as they seem ‘outdated’. But, a savvy entrepreneur must consider all means available. Here’s how print marketing tactics and strategies allow you to strengthen your position in the market and ensure better customer retention.

Incentivised Action

Too many digital advertisers think that shouting “ACT NOW” at customers actually makes them do so. Print, on the other hand, doesn’t demand action. It inspires it. Print signals customers, directly and indirectly, that they are benefiting by staying with you.

You can incentivise repeat business by printing loyalty reward cards. For instance, a loyalty card can allow a customer to get a freebie or significant discount if they make five purchases within three months.

Each time a customer buys something, you stamp their card. And every time they buy something, they will feel like they are making progress.

If it’s your client’s birthday, you can send them a card including a small gift certificate or a nice discount. Such a small gesture doesn’t cost much in terms of money but can do wonders when it comes to customer loyalty.

You can also send VIP cards with special offers to your existing clients. Let’s say you’re in retail. You could send seasonal catalogues that include a coupon code. Keep such offers time-limited. If the consumer wants to use them all, they have to keep coming back. If you have a physical store, you can base the incentives on repeat visits.

You don’t necessarily have to give something for free in order to retain your clients. Many consumers love being asked what they think. Send out questionnaires.

Personalised and customised letters greeting the client and saying, ‘what you think?’ may do the trick. It’s a great opportunity to show them that you value their opinion. Moreover, it is also a good way you get constructive feedback that can help you learn how to keep your clients.

Strategic Ad Placement

Due to stringent internet privacy laws, reaching your target audience online is becoming more difficult. A strategically placed banner is simpler, and, in some cases, more effective than complex search engine algorithms.

Employing a bit of creativity in the outdoor world can get you far. For example, you can find a local event that’s of interest to your target audience, set up a stand there, and hand out refreshments. You can user branded flags to lead their way.

 If your clients see that you are making an effort to support local causes, they will relate to you on a more personal level. People like to support local businesses. And, if you support the locals, your mutual relationship will grow.

An entertaining sign with a funny punchline placed across a local pub is a sure way to get a conversation going. Print allows you to remind people of your presence.

It has a bigger impact than online ads, and isn’t annoying like them, provided that your print campaign is carried out tactfully. While a digital ad screams, ‘Where have you been all day? I haven’t seen you anywhere!’, print says, I’m here for you when you need me”.

Bringing Your Brand to Life

Who can say no to free swag? It’s the cornerstone of many print campaigns. The options are almost infinitive: toys, shirts, power banks, bookmarks, etc.

But, you’d want to print your name on something that your customers use every day. That way, you’re putting your brand at the forefront of their minds. A nice calendar won’t leave their sight at least until the end of the year.

It’s key to employ creativity. For instance, the calendar can include a motivational quote for each date. On the bottom of each page, you can put a fun riddle that’s so thought to crack that it takes a whole month to solve it.

The photo on next month’s page can be the solution! Innovative print allows your customers to interact with your brand on a daily basis. When they need your services, you’ll come to their mind in a heartbeat.


Perhaps the most important of them all – print allows you to say ‘thank you’ to your customers in a warm and friendly manner. You can never go wrong with being polite. Use print to show your customers how much you appreciate their business.