Regardless of your business type, you probably already know that getting the attention of people by sending cold emails can be quite a challenge. You may be offering the most amazing service or product, but your potential customers may not even find out about it if they delete your emails without opening them. For this reason, it’s a good idea to pay careful attention to the subject lines of your letters. This factor alone can determine whether someone will read your letter or not.
What can you do to improve your subject lines?
Some of the recommendations when it comes to creating your subject lines include the following:
- Make the subject line relevant, if it is possible
If your business has to do with something happening in the country that directly affects your potential customers, you may mention the solution to the problem right in the subject line. Addressing the latest news is likely to grab the attention of people.
- Keep things short and to the point
It is a good idea to always keep the subject line no more than 30 characters long. Firstly, people will be able to read them in full on their phones. Secondly, it’s widely known that people won’t pay much attention to long subject lines, especially to companies that they are not familiar with.
- Use some action words
One of the best things you can do is think about the most appropriate action word for your email subject line. You should determine what value you want to provide to a person and focus on that. You may offer them to download an eBook on a specific video, watch a video, pick up a gift, etc. In some cases, it can also be a good idea to ask questions in your subject lines.
If you don’t want to experiment and try different subject lines to see which ones work better, the best strategy is to use a specialized solution, which you can find here:
With this tool created by Reply, you will be able to free your time and minimize the effort. In turn, your email subject lines will look a lot more professional and your customers will be more likely to open your letters. While this topic may not seem so significant when it comes to email outreach, having the best subject line should be one of your top priorities.