Five Tips to Maintain an Ergonomic Workplace

Every company will need to pay attention to ergonomics in the workplace to ensure the productivity and safety of their workers. Ergonomics in the workplace is commonly referenced to employees’ posture and sitting positioning in front of the computer. As many workers spend most of their work day sitting in front of the computer, companies must ensure they use the right working equipment to avoid illnesses and injuries in the workplace. As a business owner, below are some tips to make your workplace a better place for your employees:

Establish a Good Working Posture in the Workstation

Ensure your employees can sit or stand in a neutral body position with a relaxed posture. They should be able to do this without excessive reaching or stressful angles. They need to sit with hands, forearms, and wrists straight, inline, and parallel to the floor. Their head must be level, facing forward, and in line with the torso.

Invest in Adjustable Chairs and Desks

You can encourage good posture by buying high-quality adjustable chairs, equipment, and furniture. The more positions office chairs and desks can adjust to, the more they can be tailored to the person using them. There is certainly no one-size-fits-all approach in terms of ergonomics. Check out for the best options.

Pay Attention to Display Distance and Height

Display devices like monitors must be placed at eye level with the person using them. The user should not strain their neck or squint their eyes when viewing a display. Ergonomics means the person should not turn their neck to the left, right, up, or down to view a display.

Ensure Proper Keyboard and Mouse Configuration

If users reach for the mouse at a bad angle, they will lose neutral positioning. Excessive fatigue and injury can take place when the user has to reach for input devices. Keyboards and mice must be placed where the user can access them without breaking their rules on neutral positioning. Additionally, both devices must be tailored to the user.

Minimise Repetitive Movement

In a business setting, repetitive motion causes the majority of musculoskeletal disorders. Even if users apply perfect ergonomic principles, they can still experience stress and injury when they repeat the same motion over and over. This issue can be dealt with by changing tasks. This means doing something else even for a short period of time. This will minimise the possibility of injury on the tissues under stress.