Business cards are a necessity when it comes to promoting your business. If you are an entrepreneur, businessman, professional or a freelancer business card can be the best way to market what you do. Business cards from offset printing in Melbourne not only tell who you are what you do but also where your business is and how one can contact you. It’s like small dynamite loaded with all the information yet small in size. As far as the marketing of your business is concerned, it is one of the most cost-effective mediums. Business cards are gaining popularity because of its many advantages. It can be carried anywhere, easily placed in presents and corporate gifting and can be stored in wallets, mobile covers, etc. But not all business cards are effective marketing tools. Like any other marketing tool, it has to be carefully designed and written so that it serves the purpose for which it is made. Here are a few tips to consider before you design your business card.
- Only vital information should be included
This is the most important point to consider. There is a tendency to include a lot of data on a business card. But this is where most of the people get it wrong. A lot of information only confuses the recipient. On the other hand, when you include only the vital information it helps the user understand what your business is all about and remains memorable to him/her.
- Keep in mind your audience
Your business card should target your audiences and there is no point in designing the card for all the masses. The theme, design, the content, the terminologies, color combinations, etc of your business card should all be related to your business. This way it becomes easier to attract your potential clients. Also, if you have multiple unrelated businesses or professions, it is better to have separate cards for each of them. This will avoid confusion.
- Make the finishing relevant
Selecting a finish for your business card is equally important. You should select a finish that is relevant to your business and brand that you wish to promote. There are numerous finishing options available like rounded corners, die-cuts, unusual card sizes, hole punched through, folded cards, foil accents, etc. so it is easy to get distracted and select a finish that does not represent your business. This will send a wrong message and may frustrate your recipients. Also, irrelevant finish defeats the purpose of making the card.
- Make it legible
Another important aspect of your business card is legibility. Make sure the text on the card is legible and it is readable even at a glance. Avoid funky fonts that are not legible, fonts that are too small or color combination that distorts in some way or the other. Also, the logo should be placed strategically and should not occupy a lot of space on the card.